Representation One: Tide
Representation of this commercial starts with the wide shot, which envelops the setting of a living room. The intimacy of the mother communicating directly to the audience from her living room couch while her daughter plays establishes her purpose in this commercial. Advertising the stain removal of the tide product. Design choices for furniture and color schemes develop the color bias of gender roles since only females are in the scene, the pink flowers, and decor. The camera zooms when referring to the subject of conversation, the daughter, layered with the mom's tone of unacceptance to the way her daughter looks and acts.
The targetted audience is moms with messy children. The mother in this scene discusses in a way that she is inexperienced concerning such messiness. She uses proper posture of sitting on the couch and seemingly tries to distance from her daughter's 'boy-ish' ways. Looking at such discomfort creates the sense of a stereotypical mother that sees girls should follow the gender norms. The audience who follow the same views would sympathize with this situation. Representation impacted by majority rule conservative viewers would follow the idea of the stereotypical moms preaching about laundry.
Audience reaction to this commercial would range from: those who feel this is an accurate way of represented laundry detergents or against the stereotypical message of gender norms. The message can be perceived as homophobic; the mother's disgust in the way her daughter is beginning to act. The mother's snide remark of wishing the product didn't save the jacket her daughter is wearing helps sell the product, which can appeal to an audience who miss the derogatory idea.
Representation Three: H&M
Representation of all ethnicities, cultures, body types, and ages are in this advertisement. The advertisement, referring to all stylistic choices people make but give examples to allow gender fluidity. A way for the audience to understand acceptance for what they want to wear or how they want to represent themselves. Ideas that style is the audience's preferred choice and location doesn't set guidelines.
Clothing should be as simple as what to wear. The breaking style choices based on preconceptions of what is allowed in society are strongly encouraged in this advertisement. Reaching all audiences from those who want to break the gender-typical clothing to those who wear how they feel they should. Age restrictions are not apparent when people dress for themselves. The shots of people in all different settings of different ways of life create ideas of the flexibility of character. All depiction shots show clarity, and a depiction of all people are models in their skin.
The message at the end defines the freedom of clothing but to save water. Accessibility to recycle clothing, with ease, as the intended purpose of the advertisement. All who view the advertisement fall under any specification of human characteristic or stylistic preference. Breaking the generalizations of specific groups of people for the intended idea of unity for an earthly cause. Those who see the advertisement can feel accepted for their individuality and feel motivated to save water.