Sunday, February 21, 2021

Portfolio Project - Research Part Four


A day has passed, and more of my projects idea has developed. I watched a recommended movie, The Devil's Advocate (1997), to see if new ideas would surface. The film inspired me in the very well thought out character Keanu Reeves plays. The role of religion is - introduced very early, and that the city of New York was phrased as something evil as a foreshadowing by the mother. Plot elements - were placed so carefully in dialogue to communicate the story and that the character Kevin was treated with favoritism when he accepts the new job in New York. At first, I did not realize that the jealousy from the other colleagues in New York - was not his skill, but a more hidden meaning found out at the end of the film. From the title of the film and description, it is clear who the devil is, but that knowledge - is not introduced clearly until later in the movie.

Special Effects - Demon Face

Al Pacino played the devil in the film but was not the only depiction of the supernatural. The special effects - to depict characters as a demon, was shocking to see at first, but also a variety I have seen before. Of course, I do not have the budget this film had, but I hope to use demonic influence on my film opening. Al Pacino's character in, the Devil's Advocate could not interfere with free will but manipulated those craftily. Towards the end of the film, when Milton (the devil) trying to convince Kevin to help create an antichrist -Milton describes all that he can grant him with his power. Milton offered bliss, wealth, and anything else Kevin can imagine. Kevin, at this point - a character someone who never says no and always has to win - says no to creating the antichrist. The offering of giving Kevin what he should so desire is something I draw upon in my film opening idea. The core of the film is Milton's use of influencing the sin of vanity. The film ends with Kevin throwing a child molester case to do the right thing - but immediately is approached for a newspaper article to make him a star. Kevin agreeing gives in to the indulgence of vanity he did previously.

The deal in my piece will be skill graced upon my character through the uses of a guitar - in return, she owes the devil. I have a guitar from my father, which I plan to shoot. The letters written on the guitar feel very well suited for my film opening, "Syn." My course on this story - is all based on sin, and the rewriting of the word - "sin" and well as the original definition feels well suited. The one-letter change can be my guiding question for my character's guilt and regret of her greed. I want to choose her name as Onyx - the symbolism of the stone is replete with connections to bad luck. The uncommon - color would be black for the - stone symbolizes my character's dark deal. To root her name with subliminal darkness would add more background to her depths.  I am going to look for the font on the guitar or something close to it. I want to make sure to emphasize the power in this guitar. Character background for Onyx and her relation to the guitar to the deal will be the main points in the film opening.

                                                                                           Until next time!

                         (Here are some better photos of the guitar)


The Devil’s Advocate (1997) - Plot Summary - IMDb. (n.d.). IMDb. Retrieved February 21, 2021, from

Spooky Season: Devil’s Advocate - The Phoenix. (2020, October 2). The Phoenix;

Onyx Symbolism and Legends - International Gem Society. (n.d.). International Gem Society; Retrieved February 21, 2021, from

Contributors to Wikimedia projects. (2004, May 22). The Devil’s Advocate (1997 film) - Wikipedia. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

The Devil’s Advocate (1997) : Movie Plot Ending Explained | This is Barry. (2016, November 23). This Is Barry.

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