Sunday, March 14, 2021

Portfolio Project - Week Five Part Three


Today I began my filming process. I focused on the devil handshake scene. That scene is a two-shot, so filming over the weekend would be the best opportunity to do that. There were difficulties in filming which eventually worked through. The black curtain I used for a backdrop could only cover so much of the frame, so I had to zoom in more and have less setting. The candle pillars I wanted to add for ambiance couldn't fit the frame - so they were cut. The original words I printed out for branding were not inverted, so I had to learn how to invert and reprint. The difficulty without them inverted would make all of the letterings backward when placed on the skin. The makeup that I had practiced made the process of the pain look more happen quicker. Filming did take longer than I expected, and with what I filmed - I already know that the editing of this short scene with being similar. 

I had my father - take videos of me filming and doing the makeup effects, which I can use for my ccr. Having a figure in front of the camera - able to balance the zoom and focus on him - was helpful. Filming the rest of my shots will be difficult since I am doing it independently. Planning what exactly I want from my scenes should aid my focus. Following a specific basis for my story - with planned sound - should lead me down a successful path.

With spring break approaching - I will have more time to film myself without 7 hours of online classes. I, of course, have assignments over the break that will also require my attention. But my main priority is filming and then possibly starting the editing process. Today's mistakes will hopefully not occur next time I film. Spending a couple of hours watching videos on youtube about filmic pro and how to uses its capabilities - filming on the app became quite easy. I am still figuring how to use lighting with the focus, but overall, today went well.

Until next time!

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