Sunday, February 6, 2022

Welcome Back!! -----> Film Distribution Project

Film Distribution Project

Media Studies A Level has been quite a year so far. We have done several projects that have explored new aspects and studies of media. The latest project we have done so far was the Film Distribution project. Media studies and creative writing teamed up to create a project together. Creative writing created stories for our class and we adapted those projects in a trailer/teaser distribution project. 

Of the four projects presented to all the groups, we had to choose one that we could best create. There was an option of dystopia (which is a genre I love deeply) but was very difficult to produce. I was glad another group chose the story and made a killer presentation. There was a mermaid fantasy on a magical island that limited us to a location that was a difficult obstacle. Then there were two romantic comedy pieces: one that was a period piece or a contemporary. With all of the great options, my group chose to make the contemporary romantic comedy in the two weeks we had. 

Our romantic comedy followed the plot that was a cliche of the jock and the nerd getting together. Opposites attract; enemies to lovers' ideas, which we strived to create. Luckily, my brother was a hockey player throughout high school, so I could utilize his clothing and gear. Finding our jock was thankfully easy and a willing helping hand to the project. 

Scheduling times for the whole group to be present outside of class was majorly impossible. Working on our grooves and doing what we could do independently occurred. I allotted time to work on the project to best support my group but assembling as a team was unsuccessful. To best help the group project, I worked around my school schedule to come into media studies to edit our teaser for the project and make up the other classwork outside of school. Unfortunately, my group cut the teaser I made and scrapped it together with a different one. I had a big difficulty with the project as I did not have a computer to edit the project on and I tried to do the most I could at school. It's quite sad my work was not put towards the collaboration of the project. However, the trailer came out not too bad and the presentation was themed quite nicely for our genre representation style choices. 

Learning from this project, I now know the necessity of a correct brand representation based on genre representation characteristics. Thankfully since the projects competition, I put together my own savings to purchase a laptop to work towards my Cambridge project. 

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