Sunday, March 6, 2022

Coming together

 Okay so to begin I have my planned production and my main character. I know my main character actor is a very active person so I planned my idea around his day-to-day. He goes to the gym quite frequently so I am going to see if it is possible to film at that location. 

Next, I have an idea of who my female character could be. I wanted to choose someone who wasn't in my media studies class so it wouldn't break the immersion that could take place in the storyline. I know quite a few people who would be perfect to cast in my piece in my class but I feel like it would ruin the exposure. I have been thinking of all of the people I have met at my school and what person would be compatible with my main character. Two people have come to mind in the last 24 hours and I have asked one so far who could possibly work. The only impediment to my choosing is if the people I cast can act effectively for the switch of roles I need for the female character. 

There needs to appear a connection between the two characters that shows a semblance of an actual friendship. Putting two people on screen who don't know each other and trying to make them have a connection would most likely show in the filming. The characters do know each other in real life and I would say they get along quite well. I am lucky to have met both of these peers at a mutual workplace. I should know by later in the day if the female peer will want to participate in my production.

The only difficulty I think that might appear is scheduling conflicts. I know my male peer is more than eager to help in ways he can. I do know times over the weekend when both of these peers were able to hang out after work - so I can possibly plan a night shooting at this time. Planning to shoot at night was part of my plan and late in the night, there would be fewer distractions to appear in the background.

To create car sounds, many of my coworkers have ranging cars of loudness and I can record these noises to help create the needed sounds for the car crash scene and the speedings. 

I really think I can manipulate a shot at night to look like speeding by being inside the car. I can show a quick increase in speed of the car on the speedometer and when the car is off - the character is pushing the gas all the way down. Then I can have my character going at normal speed but at night you would only be able to tell the car is moving and not how fast. I add sound effects to support the idea of speeding.

Anyways, I am going to talk to my actors on days they can film. I will need to film the guy more than the girl anyways so I will work around his schedule more. Possibly by next weekend, I can get a lot of shooting done because we would have that nighttime opportunity. I do not know if the guy works next weekend but if not we can still utilize the empty parking lot to shoot in or behind the plaza we work in after the majority of the businesses close for the night. 

stay tuned...

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