The real question in using my research would really be the choice between whether I would interpret the sins explicitly or implicitly. I think I also need to refine the way I want to interpret my short film. I know I want to express my genre with more psychology and have that postmodern twist. However, I do know there is absolutely no way I could express every single sin in an implicit way for it to come across and not be too over the top. It would be cool if I could develop the short film idea into a psychological thriller.
If I could form that best friend who is foreshadowed to be ruining the main character's life actually part of the thrill, maybe? I really like my idea and I want to do what is possible and not too much where I try to fit everything that it just doesn't work. Last year I made the mistake with my production and the choice to produce an opening that just had too much for what was needed.
So let's see what I can utilize and what I can do:
First, I need to develop my plotline effectively and find my character. The script needs to be written so I need to start with drafts in dialogue writing.
Second, the idea of my piece will follow a devil on the shoulder. An idea I just thought of could be to change the position of having two opposing forces against the main character and conform to one. The voices inside the head can all be that character and I could do an audio effect to change the voiceover with a voice modulator and at the end have it switch to the real voice as the same people are talking. For example, "It was me ..... all along" type of idea.
Third, I know what kind of look I want with lighting composition but I need to develop what settings I will shoot.
Continuing I know my piece will rely heavily on the audio effects that I want to produce. My piece most likely will have its intended effect if I can properly make the audio effects to make the atmosphere.
This next week begins my production plans. If I can find my character - producing a storyline with dialogue I can imagine happening would be beneficial. I have been looking at people to possibly work with on my production for all of the weeks I have been planning. Maybe I can take a trial run with a possible subject and see where it goes then commit to it.
My biggest anxiety is the commitment to an idea or subject and it fails to turn into what I envisioned.
stay tuned...